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Rice Krispies box

Single-Serving Size Box of Rice Krispies

Origin: Consumed on a high school trip to London, England; 1990

No! No! No!! The outfits are all wrong! Snap wears a chef hat, Pop wears a marching band uniform, and Crackle...uh, I always forget what Crackle wears, but I know it doesn’t include tights and a cape.

James Ellis (of “a new town called Redditch, near Birmingham, England”) offers this info:

“I remember as a small child in the late 80's and early 90's a series of TV adverts for the cereal where cartoon Snap, Crackle and Pop, dressed as super heroes, would rescue crates of Rice Crispies from live action villains on tropical islands. I think the link to the cereal may have been that all the vitamins and nutrition in them could make you a superhero, well thats my theory. At some point in the mid 90's, they changed into claymation elves or pixies or something, I don't know why.”

Well, James, if you were an elf or pixie, wouldn’t you have supernatural powers to begin with? Wouldn’t the muscles and spandex be overdoing it? Glad to hear the Brits finally got with the program and gave Crackle his stocking cap back.

The whole idea of Claymated elves is giving me weird dreams, though...

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