“I took it to the dealer three times, and finally brought it to an outside force. The outside force fixed it and it works great now.”

by Pam Bliss

Pam Bliss writes:
“I remember making this drawing!  The car was supposed to be a second generation Ford Taurus, and the rear end, at least, is sort of recognizable.  At the wheel is a very early version of Iowa Ginsberg from my Kekionga series.

I’m still making comics about Kekionga and the surrounding universe– the latest is the experimental graphic novella Green Peas and Chickenhorses.”

Email kekiongacomics[at]gmail[dot]com for more information about Pam’s latest, and order a bunch of her minicomics while you’re at it!

"When we started it up, it made a horrible noise like a nest full of baby chicks hungry as hell. I took it back to the dealer and they said all Cadillacs made that noise."

“When we started it up, it made a horrible noise like a nest full of baby chicks hungry as hell. I took it back to the dealer and they said all Cadillacs made that noise.”

"When we started it up, it made a horrible noise like a nest full of baby chicks hungry as hell. I took it back to the dealer and they said all Cadillacs made that noise."

by Jason Thompson

Jason Thompson writes:
It’s not every day that a sketch I drew in someone else’s notebook gets saved and magically pops up on the internet 12 years later. Thanks, Suzanne! Take that, entropy! Back then in 1999 I had just finished my comic adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath; today I’m working on an adaptation of Lovecraft’s Celephais at www.mockman.com. I’m also working on the graphic novel series King of RPGs with my friend Victor Hao (www.kingofrpgs.com).